When you just can't bring yourself to start something you actually should do, you are procrastinating. We often procrastinate almost unnoticeable. The result is that you end up doing some easier but completely irrelevant task, like checking your email or going to Facebook for the third time during the same hour, which is not good for your time management. This article will discuss some tips that might be useful when you catch yourself procrastinating.
There exists many reasons that we procrastinate. These reasons include fear of failure, fear of success, perfectionism, poor planning, and distractions. The reasons are often somewhat personal, so it is hard to give an exact list of them. I also think it is more important to focus on the solutions than to dwell in the reasons. If you have this problem, I might be beneficial for you to try some of the suggestions below.
At Time Management Solutions, we have listed some common suggestions for overcoming procrastination. We have also divided them into two groups: fast solutions and preventive solutions. This article focuses on fast solutions.
Fast solutions to procrastination are things you can do when you catch yourself procrastinating. Two examples of fast solutions are 1) lowering your own demands, and 2) working only for a fixed period of time.
Sometimes you expect so much of yourself, that you are almost afraid of starting. You might think: "Last time I just and just managed to exceed myself, this time I am not sure". This kind of thinking is guaranteed to keep you in front of the television in stead of starting with your task. There is only one solution; you must lower your demands.
What the perfectionists don't often realize is that everything doesn't need to be perfect. After all, if I remember correctly what was thought in engineering classes, quality is essentially about conformation to specifications. Well, how does this help? This realization is important, because it now gives you the freedom to choose the battlegrounds into which you go with 100% effort. These are probably the time you really want to impress, like when you are preparing a presentation for your boss, or writing that critical CV for your dream job. Generally, you should not hesitate emailing.
The second tip that I will touch in this article I have originally picked up from Dr. Neil Fiore's excellent book "The Now Habit". It is based on the idea that you strictly restrict the time you are allowed to spend on a task at one time, and in stead work in 10-40-minute chunks.
Having this kind of predetermined reason to stop working can be very liberating for many. "Wow, I only have to work for 20 minutes - anybody can do that, even me!". This trick is blatant fooling of the mind, but still, it works. It works, because it often is exactly the starting that is the hardest thing to do. By having a comfortable framework of "only" 20 minute high quality work time, with a sure exit, it is easier. Secondly, when you finally get started, it will often feel even pleasant to continue. When started, you might even suddenly get an inspiration for the task and decide to work for longer, as the need to procrastinate is gone. Or then you just take the short break, as you agreed with yourself,and after that work for a second, and maybe even a third, 20 minute set. Focused work is more valuable than unfocused. Working only short but focused periods will get you to your goal too.
If you are a perfectionist, don't always be. I will discuss preventive solutions in a separate article. Mastering a few fast solutions like the ones above, together with some preventive measures, could potentially help you a lot at managing time. - 30445
There exists many reasons that we procrastinate. These reasons include fear of failure, fear of success, perfectionism, poor planning, and distractions. The reasons are often somewhat personal, so it is hard to give an exact list of them. I also think it is more important to focus on the solutions than to dwell in the reasons. If you have this problem, I might be beneficial for you to try some of the suggestions below.
At Time Management Solutions, we have listed some common suggestions for overcoming procrastination. We have also divided them into two groups: fast solutions and preventive solutions. This article focuses on fast solutions.
Fast solutions to procrastination are things you can do when you catch yourself procrastinating. Two examples of fast solutions are 1) lowering your own demands, and 2) working only for a fixed period of time.
Sometimes you expect so much of yourself, that you are almost afraid of starting. You might think: "Last time I just and just managed to exceed myself, this time I am not sure". This kind of thinking is guaranteed to keep you in front of the television in stead of starting with your task. There is only one solution; you must lower your demands.
What the perfectionists don't often realize is that everything doesn't need to be perfect. After all, if I remember correctly what was thought in engineering classes, quality is essentially about conformation to specifications. Well, how does this help? This realization is important, because it now gives you the freedom to choose the battlegrounds into which you go with 100% effort. These are probably the time you really want to impress, like when you are preparing a presentation for your boss, or writing that critical CV for your dream job. Generally, you should not hesitate emailing.
The second tip that I will touch in this article I have originally picked up from Dr. Neil Fiore's excellent book "The Now Habit". It is based on the idea that you strictly restrict the time you are allowed to spend on a task at one time, and in stead work in 10-40-minute chunks.
Having this kind of predetermined reason to stop working can be very liberating for many. "Wow, I only have to work for 20 minutes - anybody can do that, even me!". This trick is blatant fooling of the mind, but still, it works. It works, because it often is exactly the starting that is the hardest thing to do. By having a comfortable framework of "only" 20 minute high quality work time, with a sure exit, it is easier. Secondly, when you finally get started, it will often feel even pleasant to continue. When started, you might even suddenly get an inspiration for the task and decide to work for longer, as the need to procrastinate is gone. Or then you just take the short break, as you agreed with yourself,and after that work for a second, and maybe even a third, 20 minute set. Focused work is more valuable than unfocused. Working only short but focused periods will get you to your goal too.
If you are a perfectionist, don't always be. I will discuss preventive solutions in a separate article. Mastering a few fast solutions like the ones above, together with some preventive measures, could potentially help you a lot at managing time. - 30445
About the Author:
Personal productivity and time management are important skills in today's society. Harri Jussila is an expert in time management and contributes regularly to his website, Time Management Solutions. It features a whole section on overcoming procrastination. For more information please visit: Time-management-solutions.com