Why You Need Phone Number Validation And Address Checking

By Bert Haley

Computer technology has created additional channel for communication. Nowadays, it is a lot easier to communicate through the net. Moreover, the cost is relatively smaller compared to telephones and mobile phones. Aside from being an alternative to other communication devices, the net can also complement phones because anyone can talk to someone in the net through a phone.

There are numerous people who visit the net daily and many of these people get updates of the sites through their phones. Not only do people communicate with their loved ones, but they visit sites via their phones for business purposes. In short, not all phone numbers are valid. Email addresses email address may not all be valid too.

There are two forms of phone number validation. The first one involves eliminating characters such as parentheses, dashes, and dots. Then it proceeds to the validation by comparing the number with regular expression by the use of null string. After this, a function will be made use of in order to identify if the numbers are all integers.

The other way of phone validation is a little easy. It is done by just counting the number of digits. However, the standard number of digits varies from area to area, and country to country. Aside from counting the digits, the formats of phone numbers should be considered too. Similar to the number of digits, the phone number formats also differ in different places.

Email address checking involves another set of steps. The easiest step can be done by merely checking @ symbol and the dot in the address. This step is called syntax validation. Since it is way too easy to make a bogus address containing @ and dot, this form of validation is not efficient. DNS validation is needed. This step involves the identification of the domain.

In many cases, the second step proves to be efficient, but it only involves validating the address and not the user. Aside from validating the user, the third step is needed to find out if the address is not misspelled. SMTP validation is done by contacting the mail server to identify the validity of the email address owner.

Phone number validation and address checking offer benefits. When you call an invalid number and send email in an invalid address, you are squandering your time which you can allocate for other things. In other words, validation will hinder from wasting much of your precious time.

An online job that requires you to communicate with your clients through phones and emails, phone numbers validation and email address checking are highly important. These processes can help you make the most out of your time which you should spend on many things. - 30445

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Proper Formatting Improves Sample Business Proposals

By Morgan Stewart

In the business world, one shot is frequently all you get to make or break a sale. When it comes to sample business proposals, it's important to maintain a professional aesthetic and follow standard formatting rules. If you can make your potential client to take you seriously, then you have gone a long way toward securing a contract. That's no small feat in today's economy.

One simple step that is forgotten all too often is simple formatting. The following tips are suggested for good reasons. Your proposal is your gateway into the client's wallet, so make sure it's readable and that it communicates as well as you can positively make it using as few words as possible. Clarity is vital here, as is presenting that ever elusive professional image.

Adding White Space Improves Readability

You should separate text sections with bold headers to emphasize key points from paragraph to paragraph. Make certain to maintain a modest margin throughout your document - anywhere between .5" to a full inch on all sides will do the trick. As far as fonts are concerned, stick with a 12 point Courier New or Times New Roman for maximum readability. These steps will leave plenty of white space on your business proposal.

White space is advantageous in your document for two reasons. First, your text will be able to "breathe" a little more, you'll avoid looking stuffy and the text will look easier to get through. Another benefit is that leaving plenty of white space provides areas for your client-to-be to take notes or comment on your proposal. Use any feedback they give you to make an additional offer, and keep this change in mind for future proposals.

Using The Right Graphics And Colors To Accentuate Your Message

The idea behind your proposal is to communicate as effectively and attractively as possible. Pitch your products and services in a way that makes their decision a no brainer and you'll score contracts more often than not. Emphasize your proposal text with attention getting color schemes and relevant graphics such as charts and graphs.

Proposal writing is by definition less than exciting, so do what you can to make your proposal look unique, without becoming flashy, and the results of your efforts will speak for themselves.

Take Care Of Your Front Matter

The beginning of a proposal is typically made of assorted "front matter," which is simply any text written to help organize or elaborate on the materials to follow. Anything that's handy to cross reference during reading might be included here, including a table of contents, price sheet, lists, and diagrams.

If your document is long enough and you are able, slip it all into a handsome three ring binder and include a few appendices to suggest additional information that might be helpful to the client's final decision.

Last Thoughts

As helpful as sample business proposals may be, the final deal breaker is going to be you: your material, your professionalism, and your hard work. If you want an account, go after it and make sure your efforts reflect the way you want to be perceived.

Use white space to your advantage and spice up dull patches of text with attractive colors and relevant graphics. By following these hints, you can make your sample business proposal far easier to read. The better it looks, the easier it will be for your document to be read, as well. - 30445

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When Money Boils Down To Money, Are Coupons Worth The Hassle?

By Jose Bank

Are coupons worth the hassle? There seems to be significant noise over the potential for savings made by the store of redemption as well as the manufacturer. It takes time to find, cut, arrange, store, and carry the necessary coupons that it takes to really save money.

Coupons come in our Sunday papers. Some are mailed to us or given to us after we have finished stopping at a store. It is only a scrap of paper really. But some people feel that coupons are actually money and will hold onto them until they can redeem them. Others may feel that they are a nuisance and just something else that is time consuming and a responsibility.

Food products are quite common and can be found in just about any paper and any circular. You can usually even pick them up on the way into the store. These are almost always everyday, prepared foods that offer special savings for the right purchase. You may need to buy two in order to get the second for half off, but if it's something your family will eat anyway why not take advantage of it? If you find it difficult to gather the coupons that you would regularly use, why not join a coupon swap and give away those you don't need in exchange for those you will use every time?

The most sought after coupons are the ones that save significant funds on the everyday, non food items. Cleaners, laundry detergents, and household products can be costly. A coupon can drop the price down to a more manageable figure. With the demand for cleaning products and personal products, these coupons are usually the first to be clipped and carried.

One way to determine are coupons worth the hassle is to examine your shopping habits. There are some stores and chains that offer valuable coupons on a regular basis. If you frequent these stores then the likelihood of saving money is much higher. If you only visit the store every now and then, chances are you won't have your coupons with you for that store when you stop.

Coupons are somewhat restrictive. They state the size of the product, and often other qualities of the product, that you need to purchase in order to redeem the coupon. You might find that a 7 ounce bottle can be used in your house faster than the 14 ounce bottle, which makes the purchase almost redundant. If your family drinks orange juice by the gallon, buying smaller to save a quarter might not put you ahead of the game when you're buying more two days later.

There is money that can be saved one everything from everyday food items to getting your car washed and your oil changed. For those who can easily translate the redemption of coupons into money in the pocket, then the hassle doesn't seem like much. For those who can't seem to save or who never find they have the right coupon for the moment, there is questionable value. Are coupons worth the hassle? The answer comes down to your preferred shopping and saving habits. - 30445

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Avoid Late Payments By Using A Bill Organizer To Sort Your Bills

By Edwardo Amabo

Missing the due date for a bill can be embarrassing and costly. Many credit cards are no longer offering any grace period for paying a bill and late payment fees can be over thirty dollars. In addition, the company may lower your credit line. If you want to avoid ever paying a bill late again, then you will need to have a bill organizer. A bill organizer is a great way to remind yourself of bills when they are due.

There are many types of bill organizers available. A organizer can be either a physical device for organizing bills as they come in the mail or it can be a computer program that organizes your bills and sends an alert to you when you have a bill coming due.

If you choose not to use a organizer, you can just pay each bill as it comes in the mail. Write a check for the amount due, insert it into the envelope and put the payment back in the return mail. While this way does work to keep you from being late on payments, few people have the available cash for it to be a good solution to bill paying. In addition, you may not know if you can afford to pay more than the minimum payment due with this method.

If mailing a payment, you should give at least a week for the payment to make it to the recipient.

Physical bill organizers can be simple. A three ring binder with twelve pocket folders will work if you do not have a lot of bills. Each bill can be slipped into the folder when it arrives and its amount due and due date noted on a chart on the front of the folder. When the bill is paid, enter the date and check number for easy record keeping, then remove the bill from the folder. At the end of the month or after all the bills in the folder are paid, it can be moved to the back of the notebook.

A more advanced system has thirty one slots and bills are filled according to due dates. Bills are organized as they arrive in the mail according to due date. After payment is sent, the bill is removed and filed.

Another type of bill organizer uses your personal computer. The same basic information as was used in the binder system is entered into your computer and then an alert pops up before the bills are due in order to remind you to pay the bill. As payments for the bills are sent, they are checked off in the system or the check number is entered. Paper copies of the bill are kept nearby using whatever system works for you. This gives you easy access to the return envelopes and mailing addresses.

Whatever method you choose for organizing your bills, it is helpful to also have the items necessary for paying bills, such as pen, checkbook and stamps available.

By paying bills online, you can avoid the cost of a stamp. Additionally, you may have an on line bill pay option through your normal checking account. While you can use the bill pay system as an organizer, you must be cautious to be sure that the payments are being sent and that you keep enough money in the account to make the payments. - 30445

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Getting The Most Workable And Useful Bill Organizer For You

By Edwardo Amabo

There are many different types of bill organizer that can be effective and help you to take control of your bills. Which type of organizer is going to work best for you will depend greatly on your personal habits and traits when it comes to keeping track of your money. Some people are very careful with their spending and keep careful records of their bills. Other people figure if they have checks left in their checkbook, there must be money in the bank.

Finding the system that will work for you will be an important step in finding the best system for you. The downturn in the economy over the last few years have required many people to change their spending habits. Some people who have never had to watch their spending have been put in a position where they must now keep careful track of their income and outgo.

People who have not developed the habit of keeping track of expenditures will often have a difficult time with organizing their bills. When income suddenly shifts a person is going through trauma that can disrupt even the person who has maintained an organization plan in the past. Perhaps the rate that income is received has changed. For instance, a person who has spent several years paying their bills once a month will have a period of adjustment when they suddenly start receiving income on a bi-weekly basis.

Getting all of your bills in a centralized location and having a record of the amount owed, date due, and balance due each month will help to prioritize bills. You will also be able to figure out which bills to pay with each pay check. Many people find this is easier to accomplish when they use a computer program that is designed especially for organizing and paying bills.

Keeping your home business bills and income separate from your personal bills will allow you to keep important information that will be used at the end of the year. You will want to keep receipts for your rental space, office supplies, and business related expenses in a separate folder as well. Remember, if you are charging yourself office rental space, you will need to include that amount to your income each month.

When you add a space for savings or other expenses, you will be able to "pay" yourself savings each month. This will be very helpful when an unexpected expense occurs or you want to save for a vacation. When you are using and sticking to a bill organizer system, you will find that there will be very few surprise bills once you have all of them in your organizer.

If you want to improve your credit score, a bill organizer is a great step to achieve this goal. Including debts that are on your credit history and paying them off one at a time will reduce the debts and improve your credit score at the same time. Knowing what the past due bills are on your credit history and planning on paying them off using a bill organizer is easier than trying to save money without any clear goals in mind.

Finding the bill organizer that will work best for you will depend on your preferences. Some people like keeping a journal that they design to record their income and outgo. Other people prefer a computer program that is easy to work with and has other features and functions to make paying bills easier. The system that you choose should be something that fits in with your lifestyle and that you can stick with for the long term. - 30445

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Several Reasons Why Office Design Is Vital For Your Business

By John Tan

If you think about the amount of waking hours that people spend in an office you can understand why they will want somewhere that is both comfortable as well as functional to make them happier so before you decide on your office design you will want to make sure you think about a few things first.

The kind of design you will choose will of course depend on the kind of office you run, the company you own, your workers and the amount of people you have to fit into your workspace.

If you have a lot of paperwork that tends to clutter your workspaces then think about ways that you can store them without them being out of reach when they are needed most. The modern filing systems are not as cumbersome as the old ones which allows you to have style as well as functionality. Take away the clutter it means people can get around safely and you reduce the risk of fire damage also.

Most modern offices have some sort of electrical equipment that needs wires. These include telephone wires and computer tables which should at all times be kept away from the floor. Leaving them could mean that you end up ion court because either a member of your workforce or the public has an accident, or this could severely hinder your insurance premiums and reputation.

Think about the work that is undertaken in your office on a daily basis, you will then be able to think about the amount of space and the kind f furnishings you need to make the workplace presentable yet functional for anyone who works or visits. You should also bear in mind who on your staff needs to have their own office to be able to work efficiently and the seating when you need your work force to work together.

If your office is a busy one and people have to move around quickly then you can make sure that the storage keeps all of the paperwork and any obstacles out of the way. This means that you will need to think of the amount of things you need to keep off the desks and the floors before you make a plan of your new office design.

One thing many people in the past have overlooked is the amount of oxygen that is within the office area, not having enough will mean that your work force become tired and will not perform as well. A cheap way to overcome this and make the office look cheerful is to add plants; preferably not flowers though as this can cause allergies.

If the people you have in your office need to be sitting down at a desk all day there are certain problems that can be avoided by having seating that is both comfortable and will ensure that their back is in perfect alignment. This will reduce the amount of time your employees will have to take off because of problems with the back and neck.

Another thing you need to think about is maintenance of the office furniture, and the layout. You do not want to have furniture that will collect dust easily and takes a lot of effort to maintain. This can mean that you have problems with the workers needing more time off due to allergies such as asthma and skin problems caused by dust mites. Think about whether you allow food in the office and if so you need to make sure that any upholstery is washable.

You can now see that there are many things that need to be considered when you are choosing a new office design of your workspace. Not only do you have to think about hygiene but also the safety of the people who work for you and if you have people coming in from the public, their safety and comfort too. - 30445

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A Superior Office Design Is Crucial For Your Success

By Albert Tay

Most employees spend at least forty hours per week in their workplace. An efficient office design is crucial to the amount of work that gets completed. Office design can positively or negatively affect an office's performance. There are key elements that need to be examined in any office redesign and that is the amount of needed space, company goals and the input of the worker.

Studies have shown that a well designed office has improved employee morale and overall productivity. Bad office layouts are a thing of the past. Office spaces are all different. A lot of office space is too cramped, dark and downright depressing. An office manager needs to determine what would be the best solution to the office design issues.

To begin, an office manager needs to use their observation skills. There are a few questions to ask one self. Are there any problem areas within the office? Are the areas too cramped with office equipment?

A good idea is to have the manager draw a picture of the traffic patterns within the office. Observe how employees move throughout the day. Also observe the conference rooms and workstations and see where the work is getting completed. Is there any empty space not being used?

Communication with employees is crucial to finding a design that works well. However it can also bring about employee demands that are not realistic. Work with employees to come to a compromise on the most important problems. Just remember that one office design will not please everyone. Do the best you can.

Determining office goals is a good thing to do prior to a redesign project. List four to five goals and determine which shall be addressed. An idea that has grown in importance is to move the manager to the middle of the work floor and move the workers near the windows which give them access to natural light. It has been proven that by moving the workers, it increases morale and productivity since these workers are at their desks most of the day.

After determining where the areas of concern are in a workspace, the next question is what should occur? Should a total redesign with construction take place or will just rearranging furniture and equipment suffice? Will the job be too expensive and would it be more realistic to shop around for new office space entirely?

Office design can be a tricky thing to accomplish. It is worth the time to plan and think it through. It is very important for the whole team to be involved in planning and deciding what to pursue. In the end, it will create a better work environment that promotes more productivity and increase revenue. - 30445

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Know How To Make Sample Business Proposals Into Real Proposals

By Noah Reid

If you're the owner of your own business, it's safe to say you're eager for more clients. Thanks to today's economy, there's no room for subpar business proposals. Instead of winging it, find sample business proposals and use them to build a solid foundation for a business offer that will attract clients and score some work before you're desperate.

First, never underestimate the power of pre-writing. Since this is your first draft and you're not submitting it to potential customers at this time, relax and try to have fun. Do your pre-writing and figure out what exactly you are going to pitch in this proposal, what goals you have and what will differentiate your services from the other distractions your clients have to weed through every day.

Consider your business proposal and what you're offering. Cut your goals into numerous steps, writing down what will be needed to win each step. Organize your steps so that your reader is led to believe that by following your proposal, they will without question be led to success by way of that goal you wrote about in the pre-writing phase.

Now, write a cover letter to place at the top of your proposal. It should be short, so use only two to three paragraphs and simply state the major points of your proposal, i.e. "Our company will assist your business by delivering x, y, and z services. We serve X number of businesses in the region." Though there is nothing wrong with elaborating, keep it simple so you don't overwhelm your actual business proposal.

Next up: write the business proposal proper. Typically, proposals are sectioned into five parts: first stating what you do and who you are in an executive summary, a declaration of work stating the services you actually plan on providing, steps to take to reach this goal, reasons why you are more qualified than the next business, and finally the payment arrangements and terms of your contract.

Don't let yourself freak out over mistakes, as this is still your first draft and will probably be prone to more than a few goofups. Imagine your client sitting with you right now. What could you tell them that would cause them to invest in your ideas?|

The quality of your writing doesn't have to be high -- first drafts are rarely error free. Just worry about completing your proposal and squeezing all your information into the rigid structure of the proposal. If you need to change anything, make a note of it but don't actually follow through yet.

Next, consider your pricing and your contract. Keep your prices competitive by doing a little footwork to find out what similar companies are charging. Now's the time to find out you're overpriced -- you don't want to be sitting down at the table with your client when you realize your prices are less than stellar.

With that first draft in the can, it's time to rewrite your business proposal as is necessary. Try asking a friend to look over your proposal to catch any typo's you may have passed. If you would like to fix, change, or add, do it now, and then re-read your work.

When you believe you've got your proposal in a finished state, try a little role-playing to head off troublesome customers. Why not try putting on your customer's shoes for a little while? Consider how they'll see your proposal. Is there anything that might hang them up? Brainstorm as many reasons for the client not to buy from you as possible, and then create counterarguments to squash their anxiety.

Though it's hard work, writing a business proposal is far from impossible. By taking the time to run through the above steps with your sample business proposal in hand, you'll save tons of time and deliver a quality piece of work that will satisfy not just clients, but your company also. - 30445

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Network Management System: A Necessity

By Marcus Winterborn

Taking care of your computer network can be a tedious job. However, a network can make a lot of difference if you have a host of computer units working for a single purpose, making resource access and communication more convenient. This can suffer some troubles though, which are caused either by human factors or by technical anomalies.

The possibilities of such problems can even be more certain if your network is an extensive one. These can only be prevented with a network administration system that oversees it entirely. Just as most big organizations do, you may find it necessary to have a network management system to take care of such task as well as the other works related to it.

Just like software network tools, a network management system is the solution for network issues and problem. Basically, it is software and hardware combined to administer a network. Therefore, it is the most important of all the devices and computers involved and connected. Some would even call it as the center of the network.

Ideally, it should only be using one computer program. It should be software that can be employed in all the tasks necessary for managing the network. This would include operation, maintenance, administration, and provisioning. Therefore, this should have the capability to automate all the computers involved in the network.

As a network tool, this should keep track of a network's operation. It may also have the ability to recognize problems in the operation even before all the users are affected. Hence, it allows human administrators to introduce solutions immediately before the malfunctions become network-wide. If not, it can solve the problem automatically by itself.

As an administrative tool, a network management system may be employed to watch over the work of all the units contained in a network. You may use this to handing out assignments and observing its progress. This function allows you to access all the units involved at any given time as long as these are online.

This can be used for troubleshooting defects in the net. It can be the medium for upgrading the network software being employed by individual computers connected. You can also start repair work on the network by applying maintenance software on the administrator computer and the said management system software.

Among network tools, the network management system is considered as the most vital. Obviously, the reasons stated above makes it a necessity and, therefore, obliges all network operators to install it in their domains, especially if these are large ones. - 30445

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Office Design Plays A Large Fraction In Workers Performance

By Adam Cheng

The office design of a workplace is very important. This aspect of a work environment can make or break a company in how efficient the job gets completed. An office design needs to take into account a few key elements such as size of the space, company goals and employee input. These are all very important aspects in designing a perfect office space.

Improving and maintaining employee morale as well as productivity is a goal of many big companies. A high employee morale means more work is getting completed. Many offices are small, dark and dreary. This mood will affect how the employees work and that in turn affects profits. An office manager or owner needs to decide on what is the correct solution to the problem of office design and then decide how to proceed to correct it.

Observations of the workplace need to be the stepping stone to any office redesign project. A manager needs to ask himself if there are any areas of the office that appear to be a problem and are some areas too small for the equipment in them.

Someone trying to determine whether the present office space is suitable should draw a picture of the traffic throughout the office during a workday. See how workers move within the building. A visit to worker areas and conference rooms every half an hour can show what is getting completed in what area and what is not.

Communication with employees is crucial to finding a design that works well. However it can also bring about employee demands that are not realistic. Work with employees to come to a compromise on the most important problems. Just remember that one office design will not please everyone. Do the best you can.

Before the redesign occurs, make sure to decide about what your office goals would like to accomplish. Make a list and decide on four or five goals to address. Some popular ideas are if the supervisor has the corner office with windows, it may be beneficial to put the rank and file workers around the corners near the windows and put the supervisor towards the middle of the space. By placing the employees who spend more of their time at their desks near the windows, it will increase their morale and productivity.

After determining where the areas of concern are in a workspace, the next question is what should occur? Should a total redesign with construction take place or will just rearranging furniture and equipment suffice? Will the job be too expensive and would it be more realistic to shop around for new office space entirely?

Office design can be a tricky thing to accomplish. It is worth the time to plan and think it through. It is very important for the whole team to be involved in planning and deciding what to pursue. In the end, it will create a better work environment that promotes more productivity and increase revenue. - 30445

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Office Design Carry A Large Part In Workers Performance

By Allan Chong

Most employees spend at least forty hours per week in their workplace. An efficient office design is crucial to the amount of work that gets completed. Office design can positively or negatively affect an office's performance. There are key elements that need to be examined in any office redesign and that is the amount of needed space, company goals and the input of the worker.

Studies have shown that a well designed office has improved employee morale and overall productivity. Bad office layouts are a thing of the past. Office spaces are all different. A lot of office space is too cramped, dark and downright depressing. An office manager needs to determine what would be the best solution to the office design issues.

To start with an office manager should use their observational skills. By observing carefully, they can figure out where the problem areas may lie. They can determine if the space is too small for all of the equipment and furniture.

A good idea is to have the manager draw a picture of the traffic patterns within the office. Observe how employees move throughout the day. Also observe the conference rooms and workstations and see where the work is getting completed. Is there any empty space not being used?

Communication with employees is crucial to finding a design that works well. However it can also bring about employee demands that are not realistic. Work with employees to come to a compromise on the most important problems. Just remember that one office design will not please everyone. Do the best you can.

Determining office goals is a good thing to do prior to a redesign project. List four to five goals and determine which shall be addressed. An idea that has grown in importance is to move the manager to the middle of the work floor and move the workers near the windows which give them access to natural light. It has been proven that by moving the workers, it increases morale and productivity since these workers are at their desks most of the day.

After determining where the areas of concern are in a workspace, the next question is what should occur? Should a total redesign with construction take place or will just rearranging furniture and equipment suffice? Will the job be too expensive and would it be more realistic to shop around for new office space entirely?

Completing an office design can be a hard job to work on. It takes a lot of planning and thought. It is important to take everyone's views into consideration prior to moving on the project. Remember in the end it is worth the effort, it will increase worker morale which in turns increases productivity which in turn increases profit margins. - 30445

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Bottled Water Dispensers For Better Living

By Perry Thurston

If you are considering adding a bottled water dispenser to a home or office, there are a few features that you should consider before you make your decision. You may be familiar with the plastic dispenser withe colored knobs to dispense water. These dispensers have a five gallon jug turned upside down on top of them to provide the filtered water that has been delivered by truck.

Today you will find that there are water dispensers that are designed to hide the water bottle or those that do not require a bottle. These bottleless water coolers can offer many other features that include ice cold water, near boiling water and room temperature water. These features can also be found in bottled water dispensers too.

If you choose a dispenser with cold water, you may find that the feature is very useful. Cups or water bottles can be filled and do not need ice. Near boiling water works great for instant soup, hot tea or cocoa. It keeps users from having to heat water for these choices.

When water dispensers do not have a bottle, they generally offer filtered water. The filter is not needed for the actual water bottle dispenser as the water in the bottle has already been through a water filtering system. Bottled water generally has all of the contaminants removed before it is bottled.

In the office, many employees appreciate the effort to help them get enough water to drink that does not have a chlorine taste. Workers that have enough to drink are more productive than those who do not drink enough water during the day. By providing a dispenser, the employees do not have to bring their own bottled water to work. Addition of hot or cold water makes the dispenser even more useful to the employees.

For the home you will find that there is likely a water cooler that will fit into your decor. Dispensers are available in stainless steel, wood or can even be custom built to fit into your home. Your water delivery company may offer you a rental water cooler or you may purchase dispensers from office supply stores or online.

There are several things to consider as you choose between the bottle or bottleless dispenser.

Bottled dispensers require storage space for both full and empty bottles. In addition it is possible that you could run out of bottled water before the next delivery date. There is little required maintenance and installation is a simple as plugging the unit in to provide hot or cold water. You will need to clean the base on occasion, but many of the delivery companies offer cleaning as a free service.

Bottleless dispensers require no storage of bottles, full or empty. They dispense water from they lines in your home that is filtered for great taste. Since they are connected to the plumbing, you may need to pay a professional to provide the supply line from your existing plumbing. Filters will need to be changed occasionally and the reservoir needs regular cleaning. As long as the filters are changed, you never run out of water. - 30445

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Developing Time Management Capabilities For Increased Productivity

By Martin Haworth

Many managers have difficulty with finding enough time to do their work - in fact it's probably the biggest gripe you hear.

Others may take on too many things at once and struggle to accomplish anything of value much of the time. Managing your time to balance work and play can be difficult for many.

Time management is not about managing time but what you are doing with your time. No matter how much you try there are only those 24 hours in a day, the same for all of us. Getting to the bottom of where you are wasting time is always a good place to start!

Perhaps you spend a lot of time reading unimportant e-mail or wastefully checking your Facebook pages. By ascertaining what you are doing when you should be focused and doing more useful tasks, you will give yourself a heads-up on the problem you face.

Once you know how you are wasting time then set yourself some productivity goals. These will help you change your behavior, making sure you get things done within the specified timescale. you might also develop your own time management plan that can help you see where you are successful and those areas that may still need improvement.

Reviewing progress towards effective time management goals will help track how successful the efforts have been.

There are plenty of tools to use for effective time management these days, from precise software or other proprietary tools. You could even simply just write down what you want to get done and what you are going to do with your time and see what that brings you.

By prioritizing goals and tasks for the day the most important tasks are likely to be done properly. Determining which tasks are crucial to be accomplished and which ones can be done another time - or even better, delegated, it's possible to make much more out of the available time.

In the workplace, it may be possible to delegate those non crucial tasks to someone else - developing them as well, along the way. Don't underestimate the value of delegation as a tool to empower and enable your people for the future.

Once you finally have a time management routine that you can stick to, you will find that your are much more productive than before. Once you have reached this point you should start setting time limits for yourself, being challenging and stretching and then you will see what really can be achieved with your mind set to it. - 30445

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Why You Should Use CRM Software

By Jonathon Hardcastle

CRM software is a must have for any business. Whether you have a small business or large corporation, a business' clients are the backbone of their success. Therefore, it is important to be able to analyze the customer base, communicate effectively and efficiently cater to the needs of the customer. Customer relationship management tools will help with this.

Efficiency is one way that CRM software can help you. You will have all the information about your customers in an easy format that is organized. You can work directly from this to communicate. Being able to easily look up, report on and communicate with customers will save money. With efficient use of time, you can directly affect your bottom line in a positive manner.

Your success depends highly upon what your customers perceive you and your business as being. With good reporting policies because of CRM software, you can notice trends and customer needs and make improvements to your company's handling of those needs. A simple task such as paying close attention to your customers' wants and needs is good; you ensure happy customers that refer family and friends.

In addition to customer service policies, buying trends can also be analyzed. If you see a trend toward a particular product that you do not stock in bulk, you may be able to get better pricing for additional orders in anticipation of a growing need. You may also notice seasonal trends that may dictate temporary changes in operations. This will have a direct, positive financial impact on your business.

When it comes to meeting the needs of your customers, communication is important. They want reassurance that you aren't just listing, but addressing their concerns. When you and your customers can take detailed notes on each customer conversation, you can notice and track all open issues until they see a positive end.

You can also delegate particular tasks to different employees within your office. For example, you can have a separate staff for technical support and sales; route each customer call to the proper department for the best level of service quickly. With this specialized service, your customer gets the help they need at a fast rate of pace.

Reporting mechanisms available have endless possibilities. You can track your best customers, you can see who are repeat customers and you can list one time customers. You can target promotional materials accordingly with the click of a button. You may see an immediate increase in customer orders when you market to specific groups of customers.

The efficiency and improvement in productivity offered by CRM software is unbeatable. Good communication will increase sales. Keeping a detailed database of all customers and conversations will give your business the upper-hand in providing the best customer service. - 30445

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How You Can Benefit From Time Management

By Randy Kriller

A lot of people find it hard to finish all their chores in a single day. If you will think about it, 24 hours are not enough to accomplish everything that you need to do. Sometimes we feel like we are missing a big part in our lives because we do not even have time for any fun.

We get caught up with everything that we do. There are so many things that needs to be done like meeting deadlines, making projects, taking care of the house and kids, doing assignments, studying for exams, making reports, and so on. The problem is we do not have enough time, is this true?

We can not stop time but we can make ways to fit everything that we need to do in the available time that we have. Time management helps us achieve our goals and finish what needs to be done.

It is up to us how we do our tasks but time management helps us finish more tasks in a lesser time frame. You work relentlessly everyday but if you come to think of it, did you accomplish your main task? Work is endless, after finishing a task another one will show itself and this can easily overwhelm you.

Time management helps us see clearly if what we are doing is really finishing the job. For instance, if you will write down the usual things you do everyday, you will see that some tasks you are doing are just a waste of your time. Reading junk mails, going back and forth to the store, getting caught up watching tv, and doing little chores for others, all of these does not help you get your job done.

If we just sit down and start jotting down important things that we need to do for the week and start allocating them in days that you have enough time to finish it. You will be surprised that you have extra time in your hands to go out with friends or have some fun time with the family. Time management helps you get the most out of your time.

Be aware of what you do and lessen those activities that are just time wasters. Once you have finished your job for the day, then you will have more time to enjoy yourself and the fruits of your labor. It is also important to have some time off in between tiring jobs. This will help you get that extra energy and finish your job more easily. - 30445

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Knowledge Base Software Set Up for You

By John Rickson

Networking and file sharing has made it possible for a lot of people to access important data from different locations. Now, though, you can do more than just share files between your computers at home or in an office and share information over the Internet through knowledge base software.

You may not notice it but knowledge base software can be found anywhere. You may not be aware of this however as it comes in a variety of forms that will meet every unique needs of the client. And one of the most common businesses that have been using this application is call centers.

Call centers these days, especially those who are dealing with the technical inquiries of the clients, rely on knowledge base software. This is because they have one universal application that can provide the troubleshooting steps on each issue. Aside from this, call centers are also lessening the occurrence of people calling all the time even for very simple issues like a computer that is not powering up. They have already made knowledge base applications available to the public so they can read and do some preliminary troubleshooting.

The knowledge base applications mentioned above are the ones that are for public use. However, those who are inside a company are given knowledge bases that are accessible through their intranet. These may contain some confidential information about the company's procedure and policies.

When you employ knowledge base software you will also be able to gather the information you need for yourself. This means that you'll have access to all the reference material you need to deal with any inquiries.

There are actually two ways to have a copy of a knowledge base. First of all, you can search for them on the Internet if there are free knowledge bases for your needs. This way, you can have an application that will let you share files without file servers.

The other way of getting knowledge base software is that if you are a big company that needs to have an organized database of information, you may want to contact a professional software developer to fix your knowledge base. The good thing here is that this application is customized for your company's needs and will last for a long time with some updates.

So, whatever needs it may be, it is certain that knowledge base software can provide its service for everyone who needs it. This is a very efficient in providing information and at the same time takes care of your files. - 30445

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Find out How Different Office Design Choice Can Help Boost Efficiency In Your Organization

By John Tan

In today's extremely competitive world, every business and company is looking for the best way to improve their employees effectiveness at the workplace.

There are a lot of different ways that companies can do this, however it has been found that simply altering the office design to add a better flow around the entire office, is extremely effective.

By adding at least one of the many different design elements into a corporate office, the employee productivity will rise significantly with a minimal added cost.

While there are many offices that still use the cubicle design and there are others that have separated rooms for every one?s office, these corporations are finding that their employees are not all that productive throughout the day.

This is mainly due to the fact that there is too much limiting communication between employees. The key to any business is to have clear communication between people working on projects, thus allowing all the team members of the project to be "in the know", and be capable of adding their input easily.

It is absolutely essential that companies choose an office design that will maximize work flow and synergy between their employees.

It seems as though the best office design elements look at all of the specific aspects, from the overall layout to the furniture design.

The office design layout is the most important because it is required that there is plenty of open space so that it is easy to maneuver around quickly.

Without a doubt, this is the key to creating the flow that the entire workplace needs that will increase the productivity and efficiency of the employees because they can quickly get from one area to another, if they need to work with their fellows on projects.

Overall, it isn't just the staff that works in the building that will benefit from being able to see how their company is proactively creating a workspace where they can get things done efficiently, but visiting clients and potential clients will be able to see this as well.

Also, every workplace needs to have some kind meeting space for all the employees, in a location where everyone can access it quickly. It is also beneficial if these meeting rooms don't have the feeling of being closed off entirely, so glass walls are a great way to reduce that feeling.

Lastly, the meeting place should be designed appropriately to include more than enough space for all employees to be able to attend those large meetings. This abundance of space should also provide plenty of room for efficient moving about by everyone in attendance. - 30445

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7 Good Reasons Why Time Management Techniques Are Important To Consider

By Donald Priva

To manage your time is to dominate your time and work rather than being dominated by them. Your time clock revolves around your life. Every thing you think and act takes time. How you use your time determines where and how to use your life. It is ironic to say that nobody has enough time, yet everyone has time as long as there is.

The question lies on the many reasons as to why time management is important. Getting an answer to this probe will open up your minds into the varied ways on how to manage time. No matter how well you use the techniques and strategies to improve your ability to manage time, still it would be a waste of time if you have not studied the main reasons why it is important to consider those techniques.

Needless to say, it is now important to manage your time successfully because of seven good reasons:

1.You will have more chances for success.

Personal productivity and self-fulfillment can be achieved effectively.

2.You can utilize your mind better.

Time management skills require intellectual capacity to plan, organize, delegate, and monitor. Utilizing your mind to practice the skills will help you better in eventually making time management a habit.

3.You can enjoy your life much better.

Having a balanced time between work and play will make your life easier and enjoyable.

4.You can gain more knowledge.

Increased knowledge of the skills in planning, organizing, delegating, and monitoring can maximize your thinking capacity to do better.

5.You will be happier for having more time being friendly.

Prioritizing time for family and friends would make you become happier as you will be able to build lasting relationship with them.

6.You will feel more joy for having more time to love.

Not ignoring your loved ones despite your hectic and busy schedules is a joy to work for in order for you to gain love, too.

7.You will have a better health and soul.

Creating a stress-free day-to-day living through proper management of time would make you healthy inside and out.

Knowing all the reasons why time management is important to learn makes it easier for you to have a full grasp on how to manage your time wisely. The answers as to the benefits if you have more time to work, think, play, read, and enjoy are nothing less but all those seven good reasons above. - 30445

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Why You Should Be Using a Web Based Contact Management System

By Greg Handchild

The internet is a great way to find applications that can improve business productivity. Just one example of these programs is web based content management programs. Lots of companies online offer this software; some will even go as far as to host the database for you if you don?t have an internal server.

Some applications are offered as freeware, but they come with more strings attached; you typically need a place to run and store the information yourself. Whichever type of application you utilize; there are some steps you should take to ensure your company gets the most out of the program. Here are some tips that you and other businesses should implement when using contact management applications.

1) Teach employees how to use the application, but also when to use it.

Most of these web based applications are incredibly easy to use but that does not mean that the employees should just be given a login and told to fumble around. Proper training on any software piece is essential to it being used properly. Walking through menus, how to properly search and how to properly update the information that they input are all vital pieces that need to be trained on before expecting the employee to use the software.

Another vital piece of training is showing users what information goes into the web based content management application. This information must be decided upon ahead of time because it does vary from company to company. For example, most companies want costumer contact documented in great detail. With these detailed notes, management and other coworkers can address all concerns or complaints without wasting time having to track down the employee who first spoke with the customer in question.

2) Utilize the built in reporting features

It is common for reporting features to be included in contact management programs. This feature allows for easy manager audits because the manager can ensure all employees are doing their job by following up with clients as directed; other detailed reports like sales reports can be viewed too. In terms of customer service, a manager is able to get the big picture on how each employee contacts and handles customers; they may find no problems or one that needs to be addressed.

For instance, this type of software is often utilized in inbound call centers. A manager can audit the days calls to see if any particular problem was causing the call center?s activity for the day. If there is a problem, they can pass it on much quicker than simply waiting for the department with the problem to notice it. - 30445

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Why a Web Based Contact Management May Be Exactly What Your Business Needs

By Greg Handchild

The internet is home to many applications that can help improve business productivity. One of your choices is a web based content management system. Many companies online have this software for sale; some companies will even offer to host the database if their customers don?t have internal servers of their own.

Other applications are offered as freeware, provided that the company has a place to run the software and store the information. Regardless of which type, there are some easy things that all businesses should do to get the most out of this type of application. These are the top tips that every business should implement when using contact management software of any type:

1) Teach employees how and when to use the program.

Most of these web based applications are incredibly easy to use but that does not mean that the employees should just be given a login and told to fumble around. Proper training on any software piece is essential to it being used properly. Walking through menus, how to properly search and how to properly update the information that they input are all vital pieces that need to be trained on before expecting the employee to use the software.

Another important part of training is telling each user what information should be inputted into the application. This information will vary depending on the company in question; the decision should be made upfront to eliminate wasted time and space. Most companies want detailed information of the contact made with each client. When this detailed information is recorded, coworkers and management can refer to those notes and deal with that customer themselves; there is no need to track down the employee who first spoke with the customer.

2) Utilize the built in reporting features

It is common for reporting features to be included in contact management programs. This feature allows for easy manager audits because the manager can ensure all employees are doing their job by following up with clients as directed; other detailed reports like sales reports can be viewed too. In terms of customer service, a manager is able to get the big picture on how each employee contacts and handles customers; they may find no problems or one that needs to be addressed.

This particular feature is regularly used in inbound call centers. For instance, a call center manager can audit calls for the day or the week to see if a particular problem was causing disruptions. If they notice a problem, a solution can be worked on immediately, but without a web based content management reporting feature, someone else would have to notice first. - 30445

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Web Based CRM Software: Can It Help My Business?

By Greg Handchild

Web based CRM software can make any operation, both large and small, run more efficiently and productively. These software programs have more benefits than local based CRM products, Outlook, Excel, and handwritten notes.

One of the biggest benefits to this type of software is that there is almost infinite scalability. A small company with big aspirations can use the same software when they are a burgeoning office of ten and when they have hit the big time with over one hundred employees.

This scalability is often cheaper to implement as well because it is a matter of upgrading a license when a new employee is added. The software is installed on a server and moving from ten people to one hundred is easily accomplished by moving the hosting of the crm software to a dedicated server when the need arises; which varies from office to office depending on how much the web based CRM software is actually used.

Another noteworthy benefit of this software is its easy of use. When compared to other computer applications, most people like using the internet and find it easier.

The computer?s web browser is the single most used piece of software on any personal computer system. By harnessing the browser?s ability to handle complex web pages, these web based contact management products allow even a novice computer user to immediately feel a sense of comfort because the page they are looking at is not a computer program; it is just a page in their web browser.

Another noteworthy benefit is the wide level of accessibility. If it weren?t for web based software, it would be difficult to securely log into a CRM system. In fact, that is the reason why most companies would prohibit employees from accessing the sensitive information from non-company owned computers; this would be very limiting.

These safe guards were in place to prevent hacking. With the advent of Contact management systems accessed through the web browser, the encryption is built into the web browser. Some companies still have their employees establish a secure connection via VPN first, prior to using the browser but even without the added layer of VPN, the browser is still quite secure.

CRM software has come a long way. It is much more affordable for the small business now and is easy to use by anyone that can comfortably use a web browser. The future of CRM software will see more robust products at lower price points and more useful features to improve productivity of those using it. - 30445

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Boost Your Sales and Productivity with an Online Contact Manager

By Jason Statlin

To maximize business profits, manual processes should not be relied on heavily because they have a reputation of decreasing productivity and efficiency. To eliminate the number of manual processes used, turn to the internet.

As a business owner, you can give your customers, clients, and vendors valuable information online as opposed to over-the-phone. On that same note, know that the internet is not designed to completely replace direct customer contact as it will always be needed. Even still, an online contact manager can be used to simplify the process of providing customer support.

What is an online contact manager; a system that stores and organizes important contact information. One feature of these systems is the ability to categorize; for example, you can create separate categories for employees, customers, and vendors.

Communication can also be tracked with detailed notes, meaning the history of each individual customer is easy to analyze. A contact manager online ensure positive customer experiences, which in turn will boost company sales.

For customer service purposes, you can easily identify and problems that may occur on a regular basis in order to correct them and improve the customer experience. This will help with client retention and make sure your reputation is sound and favorable. Communication between customer support staff and the customer is streamlined and fast to guarantee a solution or answer as quickly as possible.

With an online contact manager, productivity is greatly improved and this increases your bottom line in many different ways. For instance, you want the lowest rate when buying products from a vendor, so use your categorized vendor list to get their contact information, generate a quote request, and distribute.

Finally, you can collect each of the responses, keep them organized, and review the results to save time vendor comparing. There are two benefits to this approach; you get the lowest rate due to price comparing and this method involved less labor time and costs.

Your business sales can also improve with an online contact manager. All sales representatives can use this system to generate, track, and follow-up on leads.

While a contact manager can be used as a direct marketing tool, this system is ideal for providing customers with positive, effective, and memorable support; this good experience ensures loyal customers return and bring in new customers by telling all their friends! Essentially, an online contact manger improves efficiency and productivity, which leads in an increase in sales. - 30445

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The Benefits of Online Contact Management

By Jonathon Hardcastle

There are many systems that provide businesses with ways to track customers. Some businesses use internally developed databases, spreadsheets or simply a pen and paper to track customers and leads.

With that said, there are online companies that provide contract management services via the web; this web based interface enables businesses to effectively manage and track the customer service side of their business. Web based applications are typically full of features that allow for better management and increased productivity among all employees.

If your business involves the selling of a product or a service, online contact management is vital to your success; it helps ensure everyone is on the same page. Each of your sales representatives can document calls received from clients.

Some systems enable you to generate quotes for business or consumers; moreover, many online contact management sites enable your employees to upload images into an easy to view PDF file. This enables managers and other employees to see the quotes that were given to interested consumers; this point of reference is important when a consumer calls back to finally place their order.

This method of monitoring contact is also ideal for companies that contract sales work to home based workers. For this type of use, a contact management system must be web based.

By giving the log-in information to all employees or contract workers, the sales leads and other information can be accessed from any computer. Since the program is web-based, there is no need for the installation of software or special encryptions; the user can log into the program through the web browser and then get right to work.

Another benefit of web based systems is the protection of sensitive company information which is important when employees come and go. When an employee is fired or leaves on their own, a manager can go into the system, save the information, but deactivate the user?s account.

Those notes and all contract information can be transferred over to a new account once a new replacement is found. Everything the former employee added and edited to the system is still present; this includes all quotes, all customer conversation notes, and more; the replacement employee doesn?t have to spend hours guessing or starting from scratch. With online contact management, any business can easily control and preserve sensitive company date should a valued employee ever leave the company. - 30445

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Why Not Using CRM Software is Hurting Your Business

By Jonathon Hardcastle

CRM stands for customer relationship management so CRM software is software that manages a database of customer information. These systems can be as simple as a small Access database or even a simple spreadsheet. However, even a small business can benefit from using purpose-built software designed to make customer management easier.

With customer management software, any type of company can keep track of contact with their customers. If the first employee to make contact with that customer takes detailed notes, it makes further contact easier. This software can prevent frustrated customers who often take their business elsewhere; a customer gets angry when a company does not take notes and they have to repeat the same information over and over again during the next call.

CRM software helps fix this. By noting everything, there is less need to only deal directly with one person. This ability to note everything also makes management?s job easier. They can review notes if there is an irate customer or can do audits to make sure that all the customers are being contacted at the proper intervals.

The customer, ultimately, wins out when the business they are dealing with uses customer relationship management utilities. Most all large companies, customer service and support centers and the like use this type of software to effectively manage thousands, if not millions, of customers. Even small companies that use these products retain customers better as they are better able to focus on the customer. Even products that were not originally intended to be CRM products have added features that let the mimic the features that a CRM product would.

A great example of this is Quickbooks. Quickbooks originally was not a CRM product, it was a money management tool for businesses. As the new editions have come out, this product has grown to include many fields designed to store customer information, notes about interactions. This powerful product has grown into and added customer relationship abilities over the years as one way to stay competitive.

If you build a business and put customer relations at the forefront, you have a strong and successful business; according to this long-standing concept, customer relationship management software isn?t really a new concept. CRM software makes it easier for this important business concept to become a reality; most importantly, it does so while improving office productivity and efficiency. - 30445

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Honour Talent That Makes Your Business Productive

By Leigh Branham

We hear the word talent tossed about quite a bit these days. We know there is, and will continue to be, a shortage of it. We also know that finding and engaging the right talent will be the key to surviving in the service-driven new economy.

So, as we mark Labour Day, it seems fitting ask the question: Why do so many companies fail to recognize and fully employ the talents of their workers?

According to experts, only about one-fourth of workers are truly engaged that is, committed, productive and doing what they do best. If this is true, it means that a depressingly large number of workers are being deprived of their right to meaningful work. It also means that companies are failing to capitalize on their greatest competitive asset.

In 20-plus years of helping people and companies identify their best talent, I have observed five things that keep getting in the way:

1. Losing sight of talent by overemphasizing knowledge, credentials and experience. Just look at most want ads and youll see the job requirements listed tend to be mostly knowledge or experience-based ones that make candidates eligible, as opposed to suitable, for the position. Companies repeatedly screen out candidates with better native ability to do the job because they many lack a knowledge that could be acquired. Why not list the talent profile required in the want ads as well?

2. Hiring in a hurry. Many companies are asking the question Can you start on Monday? earlier and more frequently than question designed to uncover talent. If its important to hire the right person, why not do right the first time, beginning with updating the job description, using behaviour interviewing or validated assessments, and taking the time to check references?

3. Viewing workers as interchangeable parts. Sad to say, but many mangers seem to believe that people can be bent, shaped, folded or mutilated to fit any job, especially lower-level ones. They often micromanage, prescribing that jobs be done the one best way, thereby squelching the opportunity for the individual to achieve results using his or her own unique gifts. These managers either need to be replaced or made to understand that a persons talent needs to be matched with the role.

4. Trying to correct weaknesses when they should be encouraging strengths. No matter how hard we try, as the saying goes, we will never be able to train a turkey to climb a tree (better to hire a squirrel). But that doesnt stop some managers from trying. After hiring or promoting a worker into the wrong position, they focus on so intently on correcting the persons shortcomings that they overlook strengths and send a message (you are inadequate) that undermines confidence and productivity.

5. Failing to honour talent at all levels. The real heroes of business are the customer service representatives, administrative assistants, nurses, teachers, engineers and truckdrivers who are engaged and productive. These are the people who interface directly with customers and create value. Why shouldnt the best workers be allowed to make a lot more money than the worst performers in those jobs, even if it means a top-performing waiter makes more than the restaurant manager?

While were at it, how about creating ladders of excellence for all occupations to climb without having to be promoted to a level of incompetence usually into a managers job. Speaking of managers, lets honour the really good ones who understand the nature of human talent and work to nurture it. - 30445

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