Why You Need Phone Number Validation And Address Checking

By Bert Haley

Computer technology has created additional channel for communication. Nowadays, it is a lot easier to communicate through the net. Moreover, the cost is relatively smaller compared to telephones and mobile phones. Aside from being an alternative to other communication devices, the net can also complement phones because anyone can talk to someone in the net through a phone.

There are numerous people who visit the net daily and many of these people get updates of the sites through their phones. Not only do people communicate with their loved ones, but they visit sites via their phones for business purposes. In short, not all phone numbers are valid. Email addresses email address may not all be valid too.

There are two forms of phone number validation. The first one involves eliminating characters such as parentheses, dashes, and dots. Then it proceeds to the validation by comparing the number with regular expression by the use of null string. After this, a function will be made use of in order to identify if the numbers are all integers.

The other way of phone validation is a little easy. It is done by just counting the number of digits. However, the standard number of digits varies from area to area, and country to country. Aside from counting the digits, the formats of phone numbers should be considered too. Similar to the number of digits, the phone number formats also differ in different places.

Email address checking involves another set of steps. The easiest step can be done by merely checking @ symbol and the dot in the address. This step is called syntax validation. Since it is way too easy to make a bogus address containing @ and dot, this form of validation is not efficient. DNS validation is needed. This step involves the identification of the domain.

In many cases, the second step proves to be efficient, but it only involves validating the address and not the user. Aside from validating the user, the third step is needed to find out if the address is not misspelled. SMTP validation is done by contacting the mail server to identify the validity of the email address owner.

Phone number validation and address checking offer benefits. When you call an invalid number and send email in an invalid address, you are squandering your time which you can allocate for other things. In other words, validation will hinder from wasting much of your precious time.

An online job that requires you to communicate with your clients through phones and emails, phone numbers validation and email address checking are highly important. These processes can help you make the most out of your time which you should spend on many things. - 30445

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